Remove Your Popcorn Ceiling For An Appealing Facelift

  • Posted On: May 9, 2022
  • Posted By: admin

Imagine you own a house with a completely contemporary set up including the floors, the walls, and the furniture. But, as your eyes go up the ceiling, you are pretty disheartened by the ugly looking popcorn ceiling! In the perfectly chic and avant-garde ambience, the ceiling goes offbeat with an archaic and musty appeal.

Popcorn ceilings though once very popular in the 20s and 30s are now considered old-fashioned. Today we prefer sleek and smooth ceilings as they enhance the curb appeal of the home interior. So, popcorn ceiling removal Ottawa is a great way for introducing modernization and a successful renovation. Changing our tastes and preferences with the changing times is the most convenient way to keep ourselves updated!

Popcorn Ceilings: A Brief Guide

When textured walls are the latest trends, gone are the days of textured ceilings! Once, homeowners approved ceilings with coarse texture in soft hues like white, cream, and off-white. These ceilings resembled popcorn kernels and so are the name popcorn ceilings. Layers of paint are sprayed on or sponged on to create a thicker and coarser look.

A significant advantage of the popcorn ceilings is to create a barrier against sound and noise preventing echoes. Apart from that, they can effortlessly hide the drywall patches and other imperfections. In other words, popcorn ceilings are easy to install saving a lot of money!

But today, popcorn ceiling removal is preferred by most homeowners because of the accompanying cons.

  • Firstly, they are difficult to maintain and clean. The bumpy surfaces easily trap dirt and dust that cannot be removed by wiping off. The only option is to repaint the ceiling requiring a huge investment!
  • Secondly, they can lead to severe health hazards like breathing ailments and cancer due to the presence of a considerable amount of asbestos in the paint. Asbestos is a very harmful element when you are exposed to it for a prolonged duration.
  • Lastly, how does it feel if your entire house has a very chic and modern look except for the rugged ceiling? It is certainly not a very appealing sight! This also affects the resale value of your property.

How to Remove Popcorn Ceiling?

The best way to remove popcorn ceiling is to seek professional assistance. It is not a DIY home improvement task and demands abundant skills and expertise in the field. The use of the right tools and techniques is extremely necessary for accomplishing the best results. Hiring a professional contractor like us will ensure the greatest standards of quality and precision.

Here are the steps we follow for removing the popcorn ceiling:

  • Checking the asbestos content before the procedure is important to ensure the application of the correct technique. We have licensed technicians for asbestos abatement in your popcorn ceiling.
  • Since scrapping off the ceiling creates a lot of mess, it is always recommended to cover the floors, furniture, and walls before beginning the task. Other precautions like taking down ceiling fans and light fixtures are equally important for a hassle-free procedure.
  • Spraying water to the ceiling results in easy scraping as wet surfaces become loose with smoother removal. This assures even the most difficult areas get rid of the popcorn paint!
  • Once the popcorn ceiling is removed, sanding, priming, and painting will give a smooth new ceiling aiding a sleek and clean look.

The popcorn ceiling removal cost varies according to the area covered and the age of the ceiling. However, it is a good idea to do so for promoting an enhanced appeal and feel.